Frederick Announces Retirement  
2/13/2009 12:31:00 PM  

Floor remarks in the House of Delegates, February 13

It has been the greatest honor of my life to be able to serve and represent the citizens of eastern Prince William County in this House, especially as the first Hispanic to ever serve in elected Virginia government.

While it hasn't always made me the most popular person in this town, I've always put principle over politics and partnered with anyone willing to place the people ahead of the special interests.

I have worked day and night to provide honest, pro-active, responsive, and accessible representation to better the lives of those I represent.

And I’ve doggedly kept my promises and have done what I said I'd do, even when it’s been difficult.

The time has come where I must keep another promise.

As you all know, last year I was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia.

I ran for this position to rebuild and reshape my Party into an organization that operated similar to the way I have served the people of the 52nd District – a Party that brings new people into the process; does what it says it will do; and works to make Virginia a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

In seeking that job, however, I promised that I would not seek re-election to the House if I were to win the Chairmanship.

Well, the time has come for me to make is official and announce that I will not be seeking a fourth term in the House of Delegates.

I simply cannot put into words how grateful I am to those that have given me the opportunity to serve in public office through their thoughts, prayers, time, finances, and votes.

For me, it has always been about serving – not power or position – and because God has opened up other doors for me, I am glad to be of service elsewhere.

I don’t know where this road will lead, but I will be faithful in following it.

To you, my colleagues, it has been a privilege to know you.

Everyone in his chamber is here for a reason; and indeed, everyone here has skills and talents to offer.

It might sound a little funny to hear the Chairman of the Republican Party say so, but it would serve this chamber well if partisan politics were set aside more often.

You don’t have to compromise your principles to get things done for the people of Virginia.

Work together, and produce results.

The citizens are looking for leadership to help protect the special quality of life that our Commonwealth provides.

I was blessed to be born and raised in a great Virginia – it is in your hands to ensure that my daughters will inherit a better Virginia that we did.

Thank you for all that you are doing in that regard; it has been great to serve with you.

Last, but not certainly not least, I want to thank my wife Amy, our family, friends, and so many who have dedicated time and resources in giving me unthinkable opportunities.

While I may be leaving this House, I’ll still be around. I sincerely hope that our friendships will endure and that our shared work will be fruitful.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.


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