My retirement from the House  
2/13/2009 9:08:00 AM  

Jeff encourages Amy to run



It has been the greatest honor of my life to be able to serve and represent the citizens of eastern Prince William County in the House of Delegates, especially as the first Hispanic to ever serve in elected Virginia government.

While it hasn't made me the most popular person in Richmond, I've always put principle over politics and partnered with anyone willing to place the people ahead of the special interests. I have worked day and night to provide honest, pro-active, responsive, and accessible representation to better the lives of those I represent.

Also, I’ve doggedly kept my promises and have done what I said I'd do, even when it’s been difficult.

The time has come where I must keep another promise.

As you likely know, last year I was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. I ran for this position to rebuild and reshape my Party into an organization that operated similar to the way I have served the people of the 52nd District – a Party that brings new people into the process; does what it says it will do; and works to make Virginia a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

In seeking that job, however, I promised that I would not seek re-election to the House if I were to win the Chairmanship. It is to you – my friends, supporters, and constituents who have made my journey thus far possible – that I wanted to let you know that I will be keeping this promise. I will not be seeking a fourth term in the House of Delegates.

I simply cannot put into words how grateful I am to those that have given me the opportunity to serve in public office through their thoughts, prayers, time, finances, and votes. For me, it has always been about serving – not power or position – and because God has opened up other doors for me, I am glad to be of service elsewhere. I don’t know where this road will lead, but I will be faithful in following it.

The good news is that we might have the opportunity to elect another Frederick to the General Assembly. Knowing that this decision of me not running has been coming, I have been trying to convince my wife and partner in all I have done – and indeed my better half – to run.

The citizens of Woodbridge, Dumfries, Triangle, Quantico, Montclair, Southbridge, and Manassas need a strong, independent voice representing them in the House of Delegates, who can deliver tangible results in protecting our special quality of life for the hard-working, tax-paying families of our community. We need someone who will fight for your priorities, not the Richmond priorities; someone who will get the job done to meaningfully address the challenges we all face.

Amy Frederick is just that person to continue the work I started.

While Amy hasn’t yet made a final decision, she is leaning towards running but could use some extra convincing. As a mom and someone who has spent her career and life working for those less fortunate and providing a voice to those that needed one, I think she’d make a great delegate.

If you agree, visit her exploratory website at to send her your encouragement before she makes a final decision about whether to enter the race. I know that your expressions of support will make a big difference as she makes this choice.

Once again, thank you for all that you have done to support me and my efforts. I hope you’ll be a part of this next exciting chapter for the future of our community and Commonwealth.


Jeff Frederick

P.S. I will not be seeking re-election to the House of Delegates, but my wife Amy is considering running in my place. If you believe, as I do, that Amy will make a great delegate, visit her website at to let her know you're on board.


Also see: Frederick Announces Retirement (floor remarks).

UPDATE 1: Jeff Frederick removed as Chairman by 57 members of State Central Committee

UPDATE 2: Amy Frederick not to run for House of Delegates

UPDATE 3: Jeff Frederick will not again seek chairmanship


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