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2nd annual Back-To-School tax relief  
7/30/2007 1:04:00 PM  

Law sponsored by Frederick provides "sales tax holiday" on August 3-5, 2007

Woodbridge, Virginia (July 30, 2007) -- The second annual back-to-school sales tax holiday is set for this weekend. From Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 6, 2007, school supplies selling for under $20 per item and clothing items, including footwear, selling for under $100 per item will be exempt from state and local retail sales tax. There is no requirement that the purchases be made for a student or for school purposes.

House Bill 484, incorporated into House Bill 532 and sponsored by Delegate Jeff Frederick during the 2006 session of the General Assembly established the annual event for the first weekend in August.

“Families in eastern Prince William, and in the Commonwealth, are really screaming for tax relief as many find it harder each day to make ends meet. This law helps ensure that parents are able to provide their kids with the supplies and clothing they need to start school each year on the right foot”, Frederick said.

The first Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday in 2006 was widely popular, saving Virginians an estimated $3.6 million. Frederick's original legislation would have included computers in the holiday, but was eliminated in a compromise with the Senate. Because computers and related equipment can be a major expense for working families, Frederick has pledged to work to add those items to the holiday as part of his 2008 legislative agenda.

Individual retailers may choose to pay the sales tax themselves on any nonexempt items during the holiday, passing the savings on to their customers.


Also see:

  • Governor Kaine Signs Back-to-School Tax Relief

  • Additional information on the Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday

  • Virginia Department of Taxation press release

    Mike Hardy 703-634-2430